COVID19 Emergency Response: Leyte Philippines

As is true in every part of the world, the Philippines is facing very difficult days as the COVID19 crisis continues. Since March, the entire country has been on lockdown.

For many Filipinos who had worked as day-laborers, the situation became dire very quickly; for those who had no work to begin with, desperation was an early reality. Many have had little access to food for weeks.

Please help SIDE by SIDE ALLIANCE provide much needed FOOD for as many villages as possible! If we can provide FOOD for one or two villages (500-600 people),it will be life-giving for those communities! Surely, there will be rejoicing at the sight of the team and volunteers bringing rice and dried fish to every household – especially those with starving children and vulnerable elderly in their households!

ANY AMOUNT you can give will help us to take this relief into areas hardest hit by this crisis! This is not part of our planned, ongoing work in these areas, but we feel called to help as we can during this pandemic with a meaningful response to the crisis…

Please help us as we help those in need… by GIVING GENEROUSLY and PRAYING for the safety of these families and for our team! Your gifts will make it possible for us to provide FOOD & bring HOPE to people in desperate need!

Working together, we can make a huge difference! Help us share the love of God as we bring practical help in the midst of this crisis!

THANK YOU for every gift, 100% of which will go to this CRISIS RESPONSE in the Philippines!

The Side by Side Alliance Team

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